CB Radios are regulated by the FCC under
47 CFR 95 Subpart D
The CB Radio Frequencies are between:
- 26 to 28 MHz
- In the HF band
- Uses AM and SSB
The General Rules for CB Radio are:
The maximum legal CB power output level in the U.S. is four watts for AM and 12 watts for SSB
Citizens Band (CB) Radio Service is a private two-way voice communication service for use in personal and business activities of the general public.
CB Radio range is typically from one to five miles.
License documents are neither needed nor issued and there are no age or citizenship requirements. As long as you use only an unmodified FCC certificated CB unit, you are provided authority to operate a CB unit in places where the FCC regulates radio communications.
An FCC certificated unit has an identifying label placed on it by the manufacturer.
You must not modify your CB unit internally. Doing so cancels its certification and you forfeit your authorization to use it.
Travelers to the U.S. may operate a CB unit within the U.S. as long the unit is FCC certificated.
CB Radio Antennas
There are no height restrictions for antennas mounted on vehicles or for hand-held units. For structures, the highest point of your antenna must not be more than 20 feet above the highest point of the building or tree on which it is mounted, or 60 feet above the ground. There are lower height limits if your antenna structure is located within two miles of an airport.
No Call Signs on CB Radio
You may use an on-the-air pseudonym (“handle”) of your choosing.
CB Radio Channels
1 26.965 MHz
2 26.975 MHz
3 26.985 MHz
4 27.005 MHz
5 27.015 MHz
6 27.025 MHz
7 27.035 MHz
8 27.055 MHz
9 27.065 MHz
10 27.075 MHz
11 27.085 MHz
12 27.105 MHz
13 27.115 MHz
14 27.125 MHz
15 27.135 MHz
16 27.155 MHz
17 27.165 MHz
18 27.175 MHz
19 27.185 MHz Travelers Channel
20 27.205 MHz
21 27.215 MHz
22 27.225 MHz
23 27.255 MHz
24 27.235 MHz
25 27.245 MHz
26 27.265 MHz
27 27.275 MHz
28 27.285 MHz
29 27.295 MHz
30 27.305 MHz
31 27.315 MHz
32 27.325 MHz
33 27.335 MHz
34 27.345 MHz
35 27.355 MHz
36 27.365 MHz
37 27.375 MHz
38 27.385 MHz
39 27.395 MHz
40 27.405 MHz
Some Fun w/ CB Radio:
Some times it is possible to “skip” radio waves off the ionosphere. CB Radio operators can communicated across thousands of miles with normal gear under the right conditions
Famous CB Radio Lingo:
- Smokey, Bear = Police
- Bear’s Den – a police station
- Bear In the Air – a police aircraft
- Black and White – Highway Patrol
- County Mountie – County Sheriff
- Poor Boy – Peterbilt Tractor
- Convoy – a group of truckers in a line
- Ears – CB radio “Got ya ears on?”
FCC Website: